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zaterdag 27 november 2010


The past few days we were at the Batexpo. This is a world fair for fabrics and everything around fabric. Here we collected a lot of business cards of people that would like to do business with us. We also were invited to visit a few factories. One of those factories is the Bangladeshi leading yarn maker. So this is interesting for us to visit, since here we can see how the process, from cotton plant to yarn, would look like.  

Some facts[source: Batexpo]
Principal crops of Bangladesh: Rice, Jute, Wheat, Tea, Tobacco, Sugarcane
Major import of Bangladesh: Wheat, Oil seeds, Crude petroleum, Raw cotton, Edible oil, Petroleum products, Fertilizer, Stable fibers, Yarn, Iron, Steel

We also figured out that such kind of fair is very corrupt. We were not invited to the Batexpo night program, but since we were foreigners, we could get in. There were only rich people inside that were invited to this program. Plus, the enjoyed free drinks and snacks during the performances of India’s best pop artists. We asked someone why there were no Bengali performances. He answered that they were too cheap and the buyers, investors and partners who exhibited the fair have a lot of money, so they had to have the most expensive artists.

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